ADVANTYS listed in Magic Quadrant
ADVANTYS is listed in Gartner's Smart Enterprise Suite
Magic Quadrant 2004.
aspSmartUpload [FREE]
Download the world famous aspSmartUpload FREE
component [Windows 2003 and IIS6
Try smartXUpload : This client-side ActiveX
provides a professional upload interface : Multiple file selection, Upload HTML forms with your files,
Use files restrictions and filters, Customize Progress Bar, ...
Work with files or binary data, Retrieve image information,
Process your images (Resample, Crop, Blur, Sharpen, flip, mirror, add text, etc).
aspSmartSecurity provides you a simple way to remotely
manage NT permisssions on files and folders : Permissions on files, Permissions on folders, Check
read or write access rights, Encrypt - Decrypt, etc.
Zip/unzip on the fly
Archive/extract folders and files easily from ASP, VBS and VB codes : Create archive, files, Zip one or
several files or entire folder, Extract files, folder and its subfolders, etc.